Ad Sizes

Ad Sizes and Specifications.
• Full page: 210mm x 297mm
• DPS: 420mm x 297mm
• Page 3: 210mm x 297mm
• Inside Back: 210mm x 297mm
• Inside Cover: 210mm x 297mm
• Front Cover: 210mm x 180mm
• Back Cover: 210mm x 297mm
• Half Page (Landsc.): 185mm x 132mm
• Half Page (Portr.): 88.5mm x 264mm
• Quarter Page: 88.5mm x 132mm
• Eighth Page: 88.5mm x 62mm

Accepted File Formats.
• Press ready PDF
With fonts embedded, for best results high resolution 300dpi.
• Adobe Illustrator CC
Fonts converted to outlines and supplied as .ai or .eps files. Or output 'Press Ready' PDF from Illustrator. Ensure your files have bleed and crop marks, confirm the final size of the artwork and supply a hard copy for reference.
• Adobe Photoshop CC
Layers flattened, at least 300 dpi PDF or Tiff. Remember to include 3mm bleed. PSD files can be supplied - please advise if your artwork contains layers.
• Corel Draw
Fonts converted to Curves then export as Illustrator .ai file.
• Adobe InDesign CC
Fonts converted to outlines. Save as a 'Package' and zip the fonts, images and inDesign file in one file. Or output 'Press Ready' PDF from inDesign.
• Supplying Native Files
When supplying native files e.g. Adobe Illustrator CC, please ensure all elements, document, images and fonts are in one folder. Please compress using Stuffit or similar to .sit or zip files before sending.
• Formats We Don't Accept
We do not accept files in the following formats under any condition:
Quark Express, Microsoft Word, Publisher, or any presentation software such as PowerPoint. Please create high-resolution PDFs from these file formats.
If you wish to submit artwork created using a program not listed above we will try to accommodate you, but please call us to discuss first on 0203 916 6239
Supplying PDF Artwork.
We prefer all artwork to be supplied as high-resolution PDF format with fonts embedded. PDF's are rapidly becoming the standard file format for transmitting files for printing, but it is important to prepare your PDF file in the correct way.
Correct Preparation of PDF Files
When creating a PDF in Acrobat Distiller, there are job options which must be set for commercial printing. These include default resolution, compression settings and font embedding. Where possible ensure a 300dpi PDFx1a 'print' or 'press ready' PDF is outputted. Include a 3mm bleed, crop marks and supply as single pages.
Ensure you choose high resolution. Compression settings for colour and greyscale should be down sampled to 300dpi with "auto compression" set on high. Bitmapped (monochrome: i.e. line art) images should be set at 600dpi. Font embedding should be set to "embed all fonts."
One of the most important elements in artwork for printing! Please ensure there is 3mm bleed all round the PDF, i.e. save the PDF with 6mm added to each measurement (e.g. for A4 210mm x 297mm, save as 216mm x 303mm). Crop marks may be included if you wish. If your artwork is supplied without bleed we may not always be able to add it on for you and you may have to amend and re-supply the artwork.
Please ensure that all embedded images are CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) files. RGB images may look good on your screen but final output to print is always in CMYK. One should be aware that files converted from RGB to CMYK may alter the colour composition significantly.

Ensuring Perfect Resolution.
For really good print reproduction we need files saved at 300ppi. This refers to the number of pixels per inch. Less that 300ppi and your artwork might print dotty or fuzzy.
Please always save your artwork at the size it is to be printed. If you supply us artwork that is saved at a small size and you want it printed big then things are going to go horribly wrong! We can scale artwork down but we can't scale it up without a loss of resolution (and good resolution is what makes the image lovely and crisp and sharp).

Achieving Perfect CMYK Colors.
Save your artwork in the colour format CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) as these are the ink colours used to print your artwork. We can convert your artwork to CMYK but this will change the colour of your artwork and it might not print as you expect it to. If you work in CMYK when designing your artwork then this will give you a much better idea as to how the final printed piece will look.
Bleed & Crop Marks

Mastering Bleed and Crop Marks.
Bleed is the little bit of extra that goes on all the edges of your printed piece. We print it and then we chop it off. What this does is ensure that your printed product does not have an ugly white edge along the sides, but a nice clean and seamless break. As a rule of thumb, if you require the image to bleed off the edge of the paper we ask for a 3mm bleed on all the edges.
Example: you will supply your A4 size ad with the dimensions 216mm x 303mm (3mm bleed all round), and after we have printed and trimmed it, it is printed at the standard A4 size of 210mm x 297mm.
Reverse type or 4/C Black text smaller than 10pt and any solid type smaller than 6pt cannot be guaranteed for perfect registration or readability.
White colour objects cannot be set to overprint.
Crop marks should be included if artwork does not fill a whole page area (i.e. no bleed). They should be 5mm long, 3mm outside of the page area and coloured in the colour 'registration' to ensure they appear on each colour separation. Please ensure that artwork is supplied at the correct finished size required. If this is not possible, please inform us to allow time for amending the artwork.

Properly Supplying Fonts for Perfect Print Results.
Include all fonts you have used in the file in a zipped folder. Whilst we have an extensive font collection, there is no guarantee that the version you have used matches ours. This can create problems with line lengths and spacing of the type.
We assume that all the fonts supplied are licensed and take no responsibility for embedded fonts.

Provide High-Quality Logos for Flawless Print.
When supplying logos for print artwork, it’s essential to ensure that they are provided in high resolution to maintain clarity and sharpness in the final output. High-resolution logos, typically in vector formats like AI, EPS, or PDF, allow for scalability without loss of quality, ensuring that your brand’s identity is represented with precision and professionalism. Whether the logo is being used for business cards, brochures, or large-scale banners, a high-resolution file guarantees that every detail is crisp and clear, reinforcing your brand’s image and making a lasting impression on your audience.
We cannot use web resolution logos.
Digital Ad Specs

Digital Ad Sizes and Specifications.
All supplied files should be either JPG or GIF. Files should be no larger than 0.5mb (512kb).
• Leaderboard: 728x90px
• Leaderboard Mobile: 320x50px
• Skyscraper: 120x600px
• Wide Skyscraper: 160x600px
• MPU: 300x250px (or aspect ratio 600×500)
• Footer: 970x90px
Custom Advert Design
It is possible for our design department to create your web advert if required.
A fee of £135.00 will be charged/file created.
Other Digital Specifications.
Custom Content
• 500/1,000 words
• Selection of links
• Selection of up to five images
• Images no larger than 1,500px
We can help with content ideas, plans and creation for an additional fee.
• 250 words maximum
• Selection of up to five images
• URL of where you want to link to
• Company logo
Directory Link
• 400 words
• One image
• Facebook page name
• Keyword or phrase
• Website link
• Address and telephone number
• Company name and description

Efficient Artwork Revisions and Resubmissions
Our prices include 'pre-flight checking' your artwork and submitting a PDF proof for your approval. We will correct any easy to rectify issues that we spot as part of this process - free of charge. If we need to amend your artwork. or you need to re-submit corrected files to us, there may be an additional charge which includes the cost of an additional PDF proof. More extensive amending or correcting is charged dependent upon the amount of time required to rectify.

Delivering Artwork Efficiently
Sending Artwork by Email
Please address it to making sure to include the order reference number and Ad ID#, with any relevant information regarding the job. Maximum file size preferred by email is 30mb. Files larger than this should be sent on disk or by upload to
Sending Artwork on Disk
CD Rom, DVD, and USB memory sticks can be sent to:
Production Dept., Virtrio Media Ltd, Office 6717, 321-323 High Road, Chadwell Heath, London, RM6 6AX.
Remember to include a hard copy of your artwork for reference with any useful instructions. Please quote the order reference number and Ad ID#, and include a contact name, email address and telephone number in case of a query. Don't forget to keep a copy of your file, in case we need you to undertake changes or corrections.
High Resolution Digital Proofs
Our prices include a PDF proof. If you require a high resolution digital proof these can be supplied for an extra charge. Our Epson proofs are calibrated to our printing presses.
Further Assistance
If you need any help with creating or sending your artwork please contact us at: or
call us on 0203 916 6239